
Amazon Personal Shopper

Who has time to shop for clothing shopping when you are a busy working professional with a family?

Not I.

I have recently stumbled onto the Amazon Personal Shopper by Prime. YES! Not only does Amazon have a plethora of items to choose from but it’s Amazon so you know they are going to do it right!

If you feel so inclined to try them, please use my link so I can get a referral credit https://amzn.to/35KQU6b

I am so exited about this addition to Amazon! Give it a try and come back and give me feedback!


2022, What’s happening

Everyone out there doing ok? I feel like as we are starting to see the light at the end of this pandemic we are battling a whole new evil in the world. I look around at my neighbors and think, this is a good sampling of the worlds kindness… We don’t have a people problem, we have a leadership problem.

Why do soldiers have to go to war to “protect” bad leadership…

early morning thoughts, lil’d



Getting old is not for the weak… I have been struggling with foot paint for a couple of years and I finally went to the Podiatrist; it just became too much. He recommended I get Oofos shoes and foot injections. oof!

YALL! These shoes are amazing! They have arch support and feel like you are walking on clouds. If you are struggling with foot pain I encourage you to get you some of these shoes! I have a couple of pairs now.

I know, I know, they aren’t the sexiest shoes we could slip our pups into but, they are so soothing and I am at the point in my life where soothing is far more superior than sexy.

This is 42.

Get you some here


Workplace Logistics are Changing

About a month ago I predicted this virus is going to change the way we do daily business logistics for a lot of companies. We are literally making history right now, I wonder what this will be called in the history books… Companies small and large alike are finding out how much money they are saving on the basics with their buildings shut down.
For a company with foresight and the right tech this is going to save them so much money in overhead. I can’t think of one professional position I have held in my adult life that I could not have done mostly from a home office.

I did have bosses in the past that were too micro-manager to allow you to work from home. Legit managers not leaders. Maybe this will allow companies to clean out managers and allow more leaders to merge up through the ranks. I have worked for some pretty inspiring leaders though!

The first one I worked for that inspired the hell out of me said this to our department one time,

“I don’t care if you are working at a park bench as long as I can get ahold of you when I need something and your work is done”.

Jerel Booker

That was the first time I realized I was willing to go WAY above and beyond for a leader that gave me my freedom to run.

It will be interesting to see how Nationwide being the first to announce this in the insurance industry will be able to retain and recruit more top talent and save lots of money on overhead.


Early morning ramblings

This has been an interesting time in our life with the evolution of COVID-19. Talk about an incredible time to study human behaviors {I am not a psychologist}. I am super reflective and I can’t sleep if events in my life are stirring in my brain. Most of my ramblings I have exclusively posted to Facebook or group FaceTime calls with girlfriends; however, I woke up at 4:30 AM with conversations replaying in my head of the last few weeks and ain’t nobody gonna answer my call at 4:30 AM. Well, I do have one girlfriend that is likely awake. She rarely sleeps. However, writing this morning just felt right. 

This moment, right now, in our life, suuuuucccckkkks!

My husband and I are both comfortable with defining our boundaries. For him it is natural for me it is a learned behavior. His responses are very direct while mine usually evolve out of some jokester-response.

On Facebook a week ago, I got into a discussion with a person I grew up with, our only connection with each other since childhood has been social media. She posted how “the Government could do better” and was relentless in her point of view. While I don’t agree or disagree with this sentiment, what does that metric look like? She ended up blocking me and moving on with her life. This response to my personality seems to be a pattern lately and has me disturbed. Am I that easy to navigate over to the unfriend button and delete? Am I so hard-headed that I don’t give people the opportunity to agree to disagree? I think this is where I get myself into trouble.

I know 100% for certain that is where I stand.

One of my beautiful, brilliant, girlfriends keeps echoing “WE NEED TO LIVE!” this lifestyle goes against her very nature, she is jovial always ready to be your ride or die. Should we let natural selection carry us through this and put an end to the “shelter in place” order? Should we shelter in place until the medical experts have what they believe to be enough equipment to carry us through the worst case scenario? Should we ignore the Executive Order and do what we want. I DON’T KNOW and honestly, right now, I would NOT want to be responsible for making those decisions. The one decision I did make for myself is that I do NOT want to be responsible for carrying COVID-19 to someone and them dying because I couldn’t control an impulse. {My husband is constantly coaching me on impulse control, specifically as it relates to shopping, but it is a good behavior to practice in all areas of my life; adulting can be so dumb.}

I don’t envy the decisions that government officials are having to make right now. Perhaps my point of view is different because when the shelter in place order was rolling out I was having to make some of these decisions, on a much smaller scale (seriously, ZERO comparison). I am on the board for my local food pantry and for a private school in my area. Both organizations have been impacted greatly. Thinking on the proper language and tone while remaining clear and empathetic can be complicated. We are complicated beautiful creatures!

My friend gave me the book “The Road Back to You” by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. I am a 3w2 and it has been an interesting review of my personality, and others. My friend that gave me this book has a much more developed personality than I do, she is great at not rocking the boat, knowing what to say and when and is fabulous at making everyone feel special. I however… … … have gotten into some pretty interesting debates (with people I love and with strangers alike, I am not biased, I will argue with anyone) over this situation and it is because I am so neutral in my opinion. Maybe neutral isn’t the right word…. I will chew on that.

I respect the Executive Orders that have been issued. As an extrovert I do not like being restricted to my home but I am not going to seek out the loophole. That doesn’t mean I am going to be a sheep and abandon my rights, it just means I am going to do my best, with my resources, to support my local economy until the infrastructure is in place for the government to ease restrictions. We can’t sustain this forever but I can forego some creature comforts for a hot minute. Stay healthy my friends.

“I love a lot of people, understand none of them”

Flannery O’Connor



I did a little Irish goodbye on yall and didn’t even realize it!  For a little while, I was embedding my Youtube videos here on my blog and then poof; I was gone!  I am sorry and  I apologize.  I know, I had/have some very loyal readers and followers of my blog and as an added bonus we had some amazing dialogue!

If you are still here reading, please allow me to explain myself.  When my daughter was about six I decided I wanted to start working with her on learning how to explain the details of items, and friends are always turning to me for recommendations on products. So we created our Youtube Channel called She Said What.  THEN, we started making videos! I have little Em describe the item(s), which is comically cute and adorable, I know, I am biased, but you might think so too!  I do product reviews and sometimes, sadly, she is too busy and I will do a video on my own so our viewers don’t experience a large gap of silence.  I cannot tell you how much fun this journey has been to do together!

Along the way we have learned how to work as a team, to not talk over each other, learn lots of camera skills, lighting techniques (more for Em since I was a photographer in a past life), speak clearly, speak UP!, learning to describe items for others, when it is time to be serious and when it is time to play.   Here very shortly, I will actually be introducing Em to video editing software!

If you have missed us and forgive our Irish goodbye please join us on our Youtube Channel at She Said What .  We would love to have you visit and join back in the dialogue! We miss your conversation!  If you subscribe nothing magical will happen, except you will get an email reminder in your inbox telling you we have a fresh new video ready for you! You and I can watch little Em grow up together, how sweet is that!  Life is pretty spectacular! And being a mom is completely amazing!

“The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.”

– Coach Wooden